Since being pregnant I've understandably been thinking a lot about my own mother, she's been gone for over ten years now and I miss her a great deal. Sure we didn't always get on but when we did, we had a lot of fun. Sadly this (rather terrible) photo above is one of the only electronic photos I have of her. We were larking about one Christmas while she was cooking. I should really dig the old photo albums from the loft and scan them in.
She would have loved Mike (especially his cooking) and I think she would have been pleased I'm having a little girl. Scarily, before she died she said she hoped I'd have a girl one day so she could reincarnate and come back - eek! At least this time I'll be on the parent side of any teenage arguments. This post is in loving memory of her so I have put some links to charities below - the WWF was one of her favourites (as a an animal lover she would have loved our little Siamese twins Leeloo and Dallas). The other two charity links are more to help other people not go through the same pain I did, Cancer Research to help find some cures and Macmillan Support (who really helped and supported my mother) to help those currently in need.
So wherever you are Mum, Happy Mothers day!
Please donate now to these worthy causes by clicking on the pictures: