Linking up with Jenna and Anne for what I am "Currently..." doing. This is vol 12 (April), only the 2nd one for me though.
Currently I'm....
{exploring} my options when it comes to making a little money on the side. Its surprisingly difficult to make money with no effort required! Although TheMoneyShed is a good place to start.
{wish listing} my upcoming birthday presents ;) Although my list only consists of a cake from my Husband so far. I look forward to his choccy cake all year :-p
{wearing} massive maternity clothes and awesome new sneakers that my husband chose for me.
{sipping} chocolate milk - what else?? I like Morrisons own brand because its tasty without being too rich (so I can drink a lot and get all the calcium goodness).
{writing} blog posts. I've been a bit slack actually I'm supposed to be writing up my study visit to Guy Bourdin's 'Image Maker' Exhibition over on my OCA blog
What are you currently doing?